Retain Wellbeing has the keys to the building which they hope will become the first Meeting Centre for dementia in Cheshire West & Wirral.
What is a Meeting Centre?
Meeting Centres are popping up all over the country and are funded through various means; Health, LA, Lottery, subscription fees, fund raising, other grants etc. Fundamentally they all have some concepts which are the same, and the rest is decided by those who attend.
- It is a community, non-medical, non-faith based location which operates for at least 3 days per week. Retain’s ultimate goal is for a 7 day provision – we know how tough weekends can be.
- It is a safe space for people living with mild to moderate dementia to attend with a family member/friend/carer and will operate (after covid) on a drop in basis depending on numbers.
- There does not need to be a formal diagnosis in place – symptoms will be enough for us.
- It will help both attendees adjust to the life changes that take place by offering professional help and support from the Admiral nurse team and from peer support and learning from activity coordinators.
- The centre will deliver fun activities which cover cognitive stimulation, hobbies, crafts, gardening, baking, physical activity, films, music, etc and maintaining life skills by being involved and responsible for tasks e.g. tea making, cleaning, gardening etc, or elements of tasks, depending on capability, and thereby maintaining a sense of self-worth. The actual detail will be decided by those who attend.
- As much as it may be needed at present this Meeting Centre is not It is not a day care facility for individuals, provides no personal care and does not deliver medication.
The building, which is right next to Hooton train station has great public transport links and ample parking.
To get this off the ground, we need the following and if you can help with anything on the list, or with time or funding, please contact us or look out for our crowdfunding page Welcome-Me
Lists of things we need for our meeting centre. December 2020
- People’s time and skills – our new building needs some TLC
- Skirting to match
- Cleaning supplies
- Anti-bacterial wipes
- Fogging machine for sterilizing rooms
- 3 wall mounted water heaters for hand wash/washing up sinks
- New signage outside
- Outside decking repaired
- More electrical sockets being put in.
- 30 RCD sockets and fitting (requires an electrician) or adapters.
- Ramp made for steps to the entrance
- Paint and painting equipment
- New toilet seats preferably royal blue or similar.
- Toilet rolls!
- Dementia friendly signage (internal)
- Raised beds and planters
- Outdoor storage
- Padlock for outdoor storage
- Hand tools for gardening
- Musical instruments – not children’s ones
- Plastic storage tubs with lids
- Craft items
- Handheld exercise equipment
- CD player, record player, Bluetooth speaker
- Collapsible tables for activities but can be stored.
- Office Paper
- Headed paper
- Membership packs
- Marketing leaflets and promotional items
- 20 keys cutting.
Thanks in advance!!
Last modified: 18 December 2020