Welcome Me
Welcome Me is a Meeting Centre for people living with mild to moderate memory difficulties and someone who cares about them. There may or may not be a dementia diagnosis in place and the carer does not need to be a spouse, just someone who spends time with them.
Welcome Me was set up with a small grant from the National Lottery in 2021 and the first session took place with just one pair of people. We expanded to two sessions in 2022, a third in 2023 and about to launch our gardening club in 2024. To date we have supported over 50 pairs of people with the help of 8 volunteers and other, ad hoc supporters.
Generally, the format of the sessions is that the group meets, has a tea/coffee and a catch-up chat. Then, the whole group join in with some movement to music either seated or standing before either splitting up so that the carers gain knowledge and support from each other while those with memory difficulties participate in a variety of activities – or we all join in together!
These activities are a form of cognitive stimulation and use several senses to stimulate a response. Those taking part are encouraged to share stories and feelings whilst having fun. Some of the activities we have taken part in are:
- Quizzes: Music, Soundbite, Cats & Dogs, Touchy Feely
- Creating: Bird feeders, clay pots, origami flowers & planes, jigsaw puzzles, pom poms, daffodils from dough
- Decorating: Rocks, cards, bunting
- Planting: Tomatoes, seeds, flower troughs
- Playing games: Jenga, Dominoes, Pictionary
- Physical: Balloon games, walking, singing
Activity ideas come from everywhere. A throw away comment one week can turn into the next group session and whenever members want to lead a session, they are given all the help and supplies to do just that.
On first entering the building, you would not know who has the difficulties and who does not. We each take our turn in making the drinks, washing up, moving furniture about, cleaning and tidying. We all depend on each other and that’s just how we like it!
We are next door to a train station and have ample parking for attendees. We do not have geographical restrictions on who can attend. Members travel from as far as Hoylake and Boughton to be with us and so, if you can get to us, you are welcome.
Our costs are covered by donations from those who attend, from friends, from other local support such as the local Councillors and the local Methodist Church Cafe. We have benefitted hugely from the generosity of family and friends of members who have passed away and we fund raise through hosting our own small events and attending other community engagement opportunities as well as benefitting from the National Lottery funding on two separate occasions.
Our utopia is to find a way to offer support over seven days per week so there is always help at hand when needed for our members.
Please follow us on Facebook for a weekly update on our activities. https://www.facebook.com/Welcome.Me.Hooton.
If you would like to attend, become a volunteer or just find out more information, please use the Contact Us section, email info@retainwellbeing.co.uk or call 07407620043 to speak to Caroline.
If you would like to host a fund raiser to help us maintain and grow the support we offer, please get in touch!
If you shop on the internet, you could help raise funds for us at no cost to you! Our supporters have raised over £900 by using Easy Fundraiser where retailers pay a percentage of your total to us. Visit https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/support-a-good-cause/step-1/?char=178204&invite=9KYRY7&referral-campaign=c2s&utm_campaign=refCROtest and look for Retain Wellbeing CIC.