Retain Wellbeing - Improving lives in our communities

Fund Raising Afternooon Tea

10 October 2023

What an absolutely amazing afternoon tea party! On 7th October 2023 We gave the Mad Hatter a run for his money with the spread put on by the lovely Lisa with the help of Denise, Neil and our wonderful washer upper Dave. The cakes and scones were to die for and the raffle organised by Fiona was a site to behold (what do you mean the ticket puller was cheating?! šŸ¤«šŸ¤«šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒ). The main purpose today was to fund raise for our groups but the fun and cameraderie alone was worth all the effort! Thank you to everyone who attended, helped, made cakes, donated and for the beautiful flowers. Made me cry happy tears, you are all wonderful and life is so much better when we are together.

Last modified: 23 May 2024

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